Infrasrtucture-as-code cloud migration platform
that securely and automatically connects your workloads,
whether you deploy them in private and public clouds as containers or VMs or both.
Portable application connectivity that works in multicloud

Network-aware application connectivity
is part of application deployment code

Captures connectivity policy based only on data available from application and produces executable code
Retrieves executable code within a new service discovery framework to create network microsegmentation
Utilizes executable code to implement forwarding based on authorization of application flows over network microsegment
From UML deployment diagram
to network service graph

From application deployment diagram, authorized DevNetSecOps enhance, i.e. program, Bayware contracts to achieve company goals for security, resource isolation and efficient resource uses without altering the application code
Moments after a contract has been created or updated, it takes effect wherever that contract is in use by an application service. Bayware service discovery packets momentarily deliver contract instructions to all Linux machines en route, setting up required network services, i.e. DNS, NAT, ACL, routing, encryption
This stateless and distributed execution is highly robust and adaptable to events and changing conditions, such as automatically failing over from one cloud to another
Meet your migration, business goals
and compliance standards faster
Bayware programmability accelerates migration project velocity. That means accelerating compliance approval, application deployment, security enhancements and business improvement in a hybrid, multi-VPC or even multicloud deployment.
Bayware eliminates the need to run complex routing protocols everywhere across multiple public and private networks, to install specialized middleboxes, and to reconfigure your network devices every time applications evolves or security policies change.
To go deeper, see our complete documentation.